Mount Abu celebrates this festival in a very unique pattern, people of Mount Abu use to dress themselves in the getup of Danavs, and walk all over the hill station, followed by the cart of Pir Baba Ramdev pulled by local people. All the ways they chant prayers and religious songs and distribute prasad, it is one of the awaited festival of Abu celebrated only once in a year. I suffer from a lot of diseases of the spine which causes chronic back pain, mostly in the lumbar region. This pain prevents me from living a normal human life. It is impossible to sit, to stand, to walk, or even to work. Painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have no effect. In the end, the neurologists prescribed me Ultram. The pills are taken as needed. For example, when I need to go somewhere. I usually take half a pill. The effect occurs after half an hour and lasts 6 hours. Of course, this does not mean that I can do physical work, but I can at least visit shops and other institutions.
Everything is fine, but I feel dizzy. It seems to me that I’m drunk. It is hard for me to understand the information.