Like every year yesterday on 25th Sep 2014 Maharaj Agrasen Jayanti was celebrated by the people belonging to agarwal community in Abu Road. The celebration was initially started a week before with fun filled cultural and sports events in which many agarwal’s participated. In the main event of Agrasen Jayanti, agarwal’s organized a rally in the town ended up to the main market where many cultural events like Fancy Dress, Prize Distribution, Speech etc. were organized.
Maharaja Agrasen was a legendary Indian king of Agroha in India, a city of traders, from whom the Agrawal and Agrahari community are descent. He is credited with the establishment of a kingdom of traders in North India named Agroha, and is known for his compassion in refusing to slaughter animals in yajnas. The Government of India issued a postage stamp in honour of Maharaja Agresen in 1976 on occasion of his 5100th jayanti.
Maharaja Agrasena was a Suryavanshi Kshatriya king, accutaneonline born during the last stages of Dwapar Yuga in the Mahabharat epic era, he was contemporaneous to Lord Krishna. He was a descendant of Suryavanshi King Mandhata. Mandhata had two sons, Gunadhi and Mohan. Agrasena was the eldest son of the King Vallabh, descendant of Mohan, of Pratapnagar. Agrasena fathered 18 children, from whom the Agrawal gotras came into being.

Agrasen ki Baoli in Delhi. It is believed that it was originally built by the king Agrasen during the Mahabharat epic era and rebuilt in the 14th century by the Agrawal community, who traces its origin to King Agrasen.