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| May 8, 2015 |

Mount abu summer festival 2015 cordially organized by tourism dept. completed on 4th may 2015 in the melodious atmosphere of music performed by ‘Pallavi Dhabolkar’ and ‘Amit Mishra’. They performed for more than 3 hours on the stage of Aravalli Rang Manch, polo ground to mesmerize the audience present their with their musical skills, Palliavi […]

संस्कृतिक सम्मेलन में कलाकारों ने दी बड़ी सिख

| May 6, 2015 |

प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय के ज्ञान सरोवर में कला एवं संस्कृति प्रभाग द्वारा मंगलवार शाम अध्यात्म के माध्यम से कला और कलाकारों का दिव्यीकरण विषय को लेकर आयोजित सांस्कृतिक संध्या में देश के विभिन्न राज्यों के अंचलों से आए कलाकारों ने अपनी उत्कृष्ट कलाओं के बलबूते लोगो को बड़ी सिख देने की कोशिश की | […]

A new dental clinic at the height of 1127 meters above sea level

| May 4, 2015 |

Today Dr. Jayesh Chauhan in the presence of Mount Abu chairman Suresh ji Thinger and other respected citizens of Mount Abu inaugurated a dental clinic in Sani Gaon, Mount Abu. While talking to Dr. Jayesh he shared about the objective behind introducing his clinic in Mount Abu, cheap modafinil all dossage online He said: Dentist […]

H. Guite SDM mount abu is now transferred to Ajmer CEO

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H. Guite who were acting as SDM of mount abu is transferred to Chief Executive officer Ajmer, they also made their presence with people of abu for last time by participating summer festival 2015 cultural eve. H. Guite spent some memorable time in abu was dedicated towards to development of Mount abu, always greeted every […]

जिला प्रशासन की ओर से नेपाल भूकम्प पीडि़तों के लिए राहत सामग्री रवाना की गई

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सिरोही 4 मई। जिला प्रशासन की ओर से नेपाल भूकम्प पीडि़तों के लिए जिले में जन सहयोग से प्राप्त राहत सामग्री को आज जिला प्रमुख श्रीमती पायल परसरामपुरिया ने कले€ट्रेट परिसर से हरी झंडी दिखाकर जयपुर के लिए रवाना किया। जिला कल€टर वी.सरवन कुमार, अतिरिक्त पुलिस अधीक्षक श्रीमती निर्मला विश्नोई, अरूण परसरामपुरिया सहित प्रशासनिक अधिकारी […]

Abu club win over Sitara Club in Super 7 Football Championship

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Yesterday the final of Super Seven Football Championship was played between Abu Club ans Sitara Club, that was won by a score of 2-0, the goals of victory were scored by Laxman Rana and Sanjay Rana Super seven football championship is buying cheap zolpidem like a kind of twenty 20 match of football like seven […]

Summer Festival Day 1 Mount Abu Pics 2-2

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After some entertaining events in day the eve of summer festival 2015 was decorated with rangoli competition, volley ball match and beautiful cultural events all the participants were facilitated with mementos by the Shri Bhanu Pratap ji of Tourism Dept and convener of summer festival 2015 mount abu. As per the information for tramadol online […]

The Story behind Girasiya’s biggest festival in Mount Abu

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They believe Nakki lake is an imprint of sacred river Ganga, so every year tribal use to come here to deliver ‘Asthiya’ of their family members in Nakki Lake, and than they share their sorrow with fellow members. During this ceremony it becomes a very emotional situation when the memories of their near one’s flash […]

Tribal’s summer festival exclusive sanpshots: Abu Times

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As the tribal are travelling up to Abu to celebrate their traditional festival that is being celebrated from year, the land of God is found wih Grasiyas walking all over in Mount Abu, most of the tribal are from villages near by like Siyava, buy tramadol mg online and other neighboring to Abu Road, Sirohi. […]

साल गाँव, आबू पर्वत में लगी भीषण आग तेजी से ग्रामीण शेत्र में बढती हुई

| May 3, 2015 |

आबू पर्वत में कल आरणा हनुमानजी के निकट भिसन आग लग गई थी जिसपर आज प्रातः काबू कर लिया गया लेकिन आज फिर साल गाँव में आग भड़क गई, यह आक हवा के साथ और तेज़ होती जा रही है, जो की धीरे धीरे ग्रामीण शेत्र की तरफ बढ़ रही है, प्रशाशन की तरफ किये […]

Summer Festival 2015 MOUNT ABU, Day One, Pics 1-2

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Summer festival 2015 organized by Tourism Dept., Mount Abu inaugurated with a beautiful cultural caravan started from roadways bus station and ended at Nakki lake Mount Abu, in the caravan some of the beautiful cultural shows made the people and tourist go nostalgic with the performances. The performers were walking while performing and reached Nakki […]

After APL its time for DPL, Delwara Premiere League 2015, Mount Abu

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As the sunsets in Abu the road of Delwara temple are found busy with cricketers as its DPL going on, DPL is Delwara Premiere Leagure 6 players, 8 overs, Plastic Ball and 5000/- cash winning amount. As informed by organizing committee there are total of 48 teams participating in this one week long cricket tournament. […]

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