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2 cyclists paddling 7500 Km from Romania reached mount abu [Watch Video]

| December 2, 2016 |

When we fail to ride few kilometers on bicycle Yuan and Lizabeth paddled 7500 KM all the way from Romania and reached Mount Abu on 1st December 2016 exploring the World on their bicycle !!! Yes a bicycle. Seven months before this beautiful couple started their journey to explore World riding on their bicycle from […]

Hotel Gorbandh, Mount Abu: Endorsing comfort and luxury “BOOK NOW”

| November 27, 2016 | ,

Its not just a need that rooms are needed to be comfortable to make guest’s stay a perfect combination with their trip in Mount Abu, but there are some special needs that attracts attention of the guests. A perfect room demands to be in budget well furnished, and looking at the latest trend, wi-fi being […]

यह कैसा है स्वच्छ भारत और कैसा है दिखाता है स्वच्छ माउंट आबू

| November 26, 2016 |

माउंट आबू । देश के प्रधानमंत्री ने स्वच्छ भारत अभियान की शुरूआत तो बडे ही उत्साह के साथ की और राजनेता भी इस स्वच्छ भारत अभियान बड चड कर हिस्से लेते हुए आप सभी को आसानी से नजर आ जाते थे और समाचार पत्रो की में भी अभियान को लेकर खबरे देखने को आसानी से […]

सेंट जॉन्स स्कूल, आबूरोड में आयोजित गतिविधियो की एक झलक

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नुक्कड़ नाटकों का आयोजन किया 19 नवम्बर। सेंट जाॅन्स स्कूल प्राचार्या उमाष्याम ने बताया कि कक्षा छः से दसवीं तक के छात्र-छात्रों के लिए समाज में व्याप्त बुराईयों पर आधारित नुक्कड़ नाटक प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन किया गया । नुक्कड नाटक प्रतियोगिताओं में दहेज, कन्याभ्रुण हत्या, महिला उत्पीड़न, मद्यपान, रिष्वतखोरी, जमाखोरी, बाल-मजदूरी, काला-धन आदि समाज में […]

“Support PM” profile picture trending on WhatsApp and FB

| November 23, 2016 |

Trending | After 8th November 2016 India was found standing in long queues to exchange their old 500 and 1000 notes, with time we came across many wears and tears of this decision, people appreciated it but at the same time they are coming across many difficulties, their daily routine has highly affected, they are […]

The mystery of the missing Cormorants: Dr. A Shyamala

| November 22, 2016 |

I went to the Nakki Lake this morning for my usual walk around the lake. I did this after a gap of a few days because of the recently concluded festival season. As I started my walk with my husband, I suddenly heard him let out an excited cry. ‘Look! The cormorants (aquatic birds) are […]

मोदी जी के काले धन को साफ़ करने वाली झाड़ू आबूरोड मे हुई तार तार

| November 21, 2016 |

एक करोड की राशि मे पुलिस से आई नई बात पुलिस उपधिाक्षक ने जो बताई बात, जांच अधिकारी ने उसके विपरित बताई बात क्यो पुलिस अपनी ही बातो से मुकर रही है, कही रसूखदारो को बचाने का प्रयास तो नही ब्रहाकुमारी संस्था ने चेरिटी की बात को नकारा आबूरोड। विदेशी नागरिक के एक करोड रूपये […]

अभी तक की सबसे बड़ी धन राशि जब्त, 1 करोड़ के 500 व 1000 के नोटों से बेखबर थी पुलिस: आबूरोड

| November 20, 2016 |

कई प्रभावशाली लोग मामले में लिप्त आबूरोड। सदर पुलिस ने एक करोड की राशि शनिवार को बरामद की। पुलिस ने इस मामले में जुडे कई प्रभावशाली लोगो को थाने लायी। देर शाम तक पूछताछ चलती रही। लेकिन अंत तक पुलिस इस पूरे मामले से पल्ला झाडती रही और पूरे मामले में गिरफ्तार लोगो के नाम […]

Hotel Toppers Corner: Mount Abu is about adventure too…!! BOOK NOW

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Visitors of Mount Abu have always considered it to be a nature’s stay well decorated with mountains and its scenic beauty, but Toppers Corner Hotel, Mount abu has taken the charm of mount abu a step forward. A property in mid of tall trees and small bushes, extracting the warmth of soil and charm of […]


| November 18, 2016 | ,

If loving was tough then you wont have fallen for this cheese melting pizza every time you pass by Pizza Crust, Mount Abu. And if you still wish to bet then try crossing Pizza Crust, Mt. Abu and avoid the mouth watering smell and urge to grab that cheese licking piece. This is especially for […]

[Poll] Are you with govt. in their mission against Black Money ? Click Below

| November 17, 2016 |

Poll | After 8th November Indian economy has totally changed, where people with less money are found standing in the long queues in front of Banks and ATMs, people with black money are knocking doors of advisers to settle their money. We are running a poll to acknowledge the percentage of public in favor or […]

Dental Awareness on Children’s Day 2016, Initiative by AbuTimes Diamond Dental Clinic

| November 15, 2016 |

News | 14th November a day dedicated to children and also the birth anniversary of the first PM of India ChaCha Nehru. On this day schools organize various cultural events, sports activities, distribute sweets and many similar activities. On this children’s day AbuTimes joined hands with Dianmond Dental Clinic, Mount Abu and organized a dental […]

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