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गांधी-शास्त्री जयंती समारोह: सी.आई.टी आबूरोड

| October 1, 2016 |

सी.आई.टी महाविधालय में गांधी-शास्त्री जयंती समारोह पूर्वक मनाई गई। इस अवसर पर कोलेज की स्वंयसेवी संस्था सी.आई.टी फील्स ने एक नकनीकि प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया। इस प्रतियोगिता की मुख्य थीम थी ’’तकनीक द्वारा गांवों का विकास’’। इस थीम पर विधार्थियों ने डॉक्यूमेन्ट्री, लघु फिल्म एवं प्रोजेक्ट के माध्यम से अपनी सोच प्रस्तुत किया। छात्रों […]

Mask & News Paper Day Celebration at St. Johns School, Abu Road

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News Paper Day was celebrated in St. John’s School, Abu Road. Tiny Toddlers were introduced to the world of Newspaper. Various activities were planned by the class Teacher. The students of LKG read the letters of English alphabet from the Newspaper. They also created various articles such as baskets, boats, birds, aeroplane, wall hanging sand […]

“IND ans PoK” Statement by DGMO #IndianArmy on 29 Sep 16

| September 29, 2016 |

Indian Lt. General Ranbir Singh, DGMO, spoken to counterpart in Pakistan 1. It has been a matter of serious concern that there has been continuing and increasing infiltration by terrorists across Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir. This is reflected, amongst others, in the terrorist attacks on 11 and 18 September 16 in Punch […]

Now a “COFFEE BAR” exclusively at Hotel ChaCha Inn, Mount Abu

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Nothing is better than a cup of coffee and a perfect love story to read. Experienced readers have always opted for a solace café with a perfect blend of coffee. Not just a reader, even friends either meet over chai or a cup coffee, and end up making new stories every time. Chacha INN Coffee […]

“Guess the Place #11” play n win ‘Family Dinner’ on ‘Machan Restaurant at Hotel ChaCha Inn’

| September 28, 2016 | ,

GUESS THE PLACE | The 11th post under “Guess the Place Online Competition” hope you all loving this idea planned by along with its premium partners to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the website that was on 15th August 2016. To participate in guess the place campaign #1, post the correct name of the […]

अग्रवाल महिला सब खेलो-सब जीतो प्रतियोगिता हुई सम्पन्न

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प्रतियोगिता में महिलाओ व बालिकाओ का उमडा सैलाब आबूरोड। अग्रवाल महिला सब खेलो-सब जीतो एक मिनट प्रतियोगिता मे समाज की महिलाओ व युवतियो ने बढ़चढ कर भाग लिया। समाजके प्रवक्ता एवं मिडिया प्रभारी सतीष अग्रवाल ने बताया कि अग्रसेन जयन्ती महोत्सव के तहत् अग्रवाल बालिकाओ एवं महिलाओ के बीच सब खेलो-सब जीतो (एक मिनट प्रतियोगिता) […]

Shall we celebrate World Tourism Day ? Check out what Neena from Israel has to say

| September 27, 2016 | ,

News | As today world is celebrating the tourism day likely mount abu too, and conducted a small event at toll tax where the administrative personals presented a warm welcome to the tourists visiting mount abu. But in a recent interview with a foreigner tourist conducted by abutimes we found people aren’t happy and satisfied […]

St. John’s School: Changing the face of Education

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Not just the school premises reflects its tenderness and way to handle its students, rather even the way students dance in fun and frolic on every occasion, the way when they recite every injected poetry and when the athletes run to win the race and off course the success of its alumina are just a […]

“Guess the Place #10” answer on website & win ‘Crockery Set’ by ‘St. John’s School, Abu Road’

| September 25, 2016 | ,

GUESS THE PLACE | We hope you all are enjoying this “Guess the Place Online Competition” organized by and its premium partners to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the website that was on 15th August 2016. Participate in guess the place campaign #1, post the correct name of the featured image in the comment […]

कल के इंजिनियरस ने आज के शहीदों को दी श्रद्धाजंली: सी.आई.टी, आबूरोड

| September 24, 2016 |

सी.आई.टी महाविधालय की ओर से एक विशाल केंडल मार्च कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। इस केंडल मार्च में उरी में आतंकी हमले के दौरान शहीद हुए वीर सैनिकों को श्रद्धाजंलि दी गई। इस अवसर पर निदेशक श्री तेजस शाह समेत महाविधालय परिवार के 200 से अधिक छात्र-छात्रायें एवं स्टाफ के मेम्बर्स मौजूद थें। यह केंडल […]

Python too hates selfie, proved yesterday in mount abu [Watch Video]

| September 23, 2016 |

Mount Abu | This incident is of yesterday when Snake Catcher Chintu Yadav went to release a 10 feet captured python from a hotel in mount abu located at Gaumukh. He along with abu-ites and forest dept people went to trevors tank, mount abu to release python and meanwhile this incident took place. Everything was […]

सांसद देवजी भाई पटेल ने आबूटाइम्स के इंटरव्यू पर कहा “कोहिनूर के हीरे जैसे चमकेगा माउंट आबू” देखे विडियो

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इंटरव्यू | आबूटाइम्स की टीम ने कुछ हफ्तों पहले जालोर, सिरोही सांसद देव जी भाई पटेल से एक इंटरव्यू कर उनके तिरंगा रैली की सफलता को जाना साथ ही सिरोही, आबू रोड की सड़क अव्यव्स्था, आबूरोड में सांतपुर के निकट स्थित दुधिया तालाब का विकास, माउंट आबू से हो रहा सोतेला वव्हार जैसे विषयों पर […]

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