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Welcome ‘Computers’ a venture of Welcome Mobiles, Swaroopganj

| January 6, 2016 | ,

Welcome Mobiles have been the first choice of people of Sirohi and around when its about purchasing a mobile phone or its accessories, after achieving this landmark Welcome Mobile have introduced their another venture in field of computers, now you can buy computer and its accessories with the trust and high class customer service of […]

Bullet Riders from Ujjain (MP) invited Otram Dewasi for “Simhastha Kumbh Mahaparva”

| January 5, 2016 |

Two bikers from Ujaain (MP) visited Sirohi on their bikes (bullet) to invite State Minister of Gaupalan and Devsthan Department Sh. Otaram Dewasi on 2 jan 2016. Aman Mishra and Pushpendra Kushwah ride from ujjain to sirohi and presented invitation letter of “Simhastha Kumbh Mahaparva” scheduled from 22nd of April to 21st of May this […]

कल हुई नगरपालिका बैठक में विभिन्न मुद्दों पर हुई चर्चा

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आबूपर्वत नगरपालिका मंडल की सोमवार को पालिका पुस्तकालय भवन में पालिका अध्यक्ष सुरेश थिंगर की अध्यक्षता में आयोजित बैठक में पालिका कमिश्नर दिलीप माथुर ने बैठक के चर्चा बिन्दुओं की जानकारी देते हुए बैठक आरंभ करवाई। बैठक में यह जानकारी देते हुए बताया गया कि आबू पर्वत की सफाई व्यवस्था को सुदृढ़ बनाने, माउंट आबू […]

AbuTimes and its advertising partners wishes you a prosperous new year

| January 1, 2016 |

Good bye 2015 and welcome 2016, the fastest growing tourism and media portal for mount abu, sirohi has been the beloved online portal of abu-ites and people around the world thousands of viewers and followers has given immense love and support that boosted us to serve people with instant updates of mount abu, abu […]

Fun Filled Eve at Hill Village n Garden Retreat, Mount Abu

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On the occasion of new year abu-ites and tourists thoroughly enjoyed at hill village n garden retreat, a fun filled party thrown by the hotel proprietors well managed by abutimes became a memorable new year celebration of all time. Located in the laps of nature of mount abu tourists enjoyed camp fire, to overcome the […]

देशी विदेशी पर्यटक ने आबू में किया नये वर्ष का स्वागत

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माउंटआबू नगर पालिका एवं प्रशासन से नए साल को लेकर जोरदार तैयारियां की । यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा कि माउंटआबू 2016 का आगाज और उसका जश्न मनाने के लिए एक दुल्हन की तरह सजधज कर तैयार हो चुका है। नए साल का जश्न लोग अपने अपने तरीके से सेलिब्रेट किया जिसमें कई लोगों ने […]

Tourists found singing, dancing in winter festival 2015

| December 31, 2015 |

On the day 2 of winter festival vintage cars brought an exciting morning in aravalli ranges continued with horse show and cricket match and again in the night rock band pulled the tourists from their benches to dance and singh along with the artists of band. Tourists from all over the world and different provinces […]

Heritage Vintage Cars out in hill station to thrill tourists

| December 30, 2015 | , ,

On the day 2 of winter festival heritage vintage cars came out to ignite the excitement among the tourists in abu, it is been first time that these kind of heritage cars are introduced in winter festival. All these cars were been imported from udaipur to mount abu specially for winter festival, mount abu dignitaries […]

रघुनाथ मंदिर के पूज्य महंत श्री अवधेश दास रामायण जी महाराज का निधन

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आज प्रातः 03:50 बजे रघुनाथ मंदिर के पूज्य महंत श्री अवधेश दास रामायण जी महाराज ने अपना देह त्याग दिया, आज 11:00 उनकी अंतिम यात्रा में सेकड़ो श्रद्धालु एवं आबू वासी शामिल हुये |

At last Winter Festival crew marched to mesmerize tourists in Abu

| December 29, 2015 |

Unlike every year this year administration have given the charge of organizing winter festival of mount abu to a private company for next five years, expecting some new artists and culture in winter festival 2015 abu-ites were not even sure the festival will be conducted this year or not, as the private company didn’t looked […]


| December 28, 2015 |

In pic a 1.5 year old child is naturally appearing like she is talking on phone. This single naturally photographed portrait defines painful face of India Photo Story: This cute child having stone in her hand appears as if talking to her father complaining why he is away, telling about her brother’s mischief and requesting […]

New Year Party @ Hill Village & Garden Retreat, Mount Abu

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Celebrate this news year at all new “Hill village and Garden Retreat”, located few km before main city, close to nature and unlimited fun guaranteed. Know more about “Hill village n Resort” Hill Village and Garden Retreat is among those exclusive places of Abu having every kind of accommodation available at one place. They have […]

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