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A big accident escaped at the last edge of mountain
| May 19, 2015 |
Today around 1:09 pm a driver missed the road on the way to mount abu and lost his control from the steering, the car was speeding towards the valley but driver was found to manage to stop the car falling down in the valley. After this accident driver managed to come safe out of car […]
Mount abu out of their homes to clean POLO GROUND
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Polo ground lies in the center of city, an excellent and multipurpose ground and now its looking even more beautiful and productive when abu-ites came out their home to clean the ground organized by youth section of Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu. Around 400 people from around India came together at early 7:00 am to give […]
| May 17, 2015 |
Those were the days It is said On the entire world Arbudanchal had A great sway When flowed seven rivers When with the wild The folks must have purred Melodies Like – Let us find a shady wady Pretty little brook; Let us have some candy handy And a picture book. There all day we’ll […]
समय की मांग युवा बनें चरित्रवान
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माउण्ट आबू, ब्रह्माकुमारी संगठन में युवा प्रभाग राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन आरंभ प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय की संयुक्त मुख्य प्रशासिका राजयोगिनी दादी रतनमोहिनी ने कहा है कि श्रेष्ठ चरित्र ही युवा शक्ति की पहचान है। युवाओं को स्वयं के चरित्र को श्रेष्ठ बनाने की समय की मांग है। अपने श्रेष्ठ कर्मों द्वारा युवा हर दिल पर शासन […]
| May 16, 2015 |
She said A woman is fulfilled When she sees in her man’s gaze The love she dreamt all her life All her age As a beau as a love as a wife And that’s where end All her strives There she would be Reproving What is made of her in love There is not a […]
बस्ती में मगरमच्छ ने दस्तक, पकडकर सुरक्षित जंगल में छोड़ा
| May 12, 2015 | Kishan Vaswani
माउण्ट आबू के देलवाड़ा की बस्ती धमाणी में आज सुबह में एक मगरमच्छ गुस आया । आस पास के लोगों में इस घटना से हड़कंप मच गया और लोगों अपने अपने घरों में भयवश निकलकर के बाहर आ गए। इसी के मध्य वन्य जीव प्रेमी चाल्र्स ने वन विभाग अधिकारियों व स्वयं सेवा स्ांस्थान के […]
AbuTimes is Renovating and Expanding sOoN
| May 10, 2015 |
After such a beautiful experience with Mount Abu, Sirohi for last 6 months we are redesigning the website on viewers demand, along with the new design we are also coming up with 4 more media portals for 4 new cities i.e. Udaipur as, Ahmedabad as“, Kashmir as and Philadelphia (USA) as […]
ज्ञान सरोवर में खेल प्रभाग सम्मेलन: आत्मविश्वास को बढ़ाता है राजयोग
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माउंट आबू, 10 मई। अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग राष्ट्रीय आयोग अध्यक्ष वी. ईश्वरैय्या ने कहा कि कड़ा परिश्रम, सतत अभ्यास, लक्ष्य के प्रति पूरी सजगता, संगठन भावनाओं को समझकर समय पर सही निर्णय लेना, यह जीवन में सफलता के सूत्र हैं। खेल के मैदान में सफलता को लेकर आत्मविश्वास में किसी तरह की कमी नहीं होनी […]
| May 8, 2015 | Summer Festival 15
Mount abu summer festival 2015 cordially organized by tourism dept. completed on 4th may 2015 in the melodious atmosphere of music performed by ‘Pallavi Dhabolkar’ and ‘Amit Mishra’. They performed for more than 3 hours on the stage of Aravalli Rang Manch, polo ground to mesmerize the audience present their with their musical skills, Palliavi […]
संस्कृतिक सम्मेलन में कलाकारों ने दी बड़ी सिख
| May 6, 2015 | Anil Areean
प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय के ज्ञान सरोवर में कला एवं संस्कृति प्रभाग द्वारा मंगलवार शाम अध्यात्म के माध्यम से कला और कलाकारों का दिव्यीकरण विषय को लेकर आयोजित सांस्कृतिक संध्या में देश के विभिन्न राज्यों के अंचलों से आए कलाकारों ने अपनी उत्कृष्ट कलाओं के बलबूते लोगो को बड़ी सिख देने की कोशिश की | […]
A new dental clinic at the height of 1127 meters above sea level
| May 4, 2015 |
Today Dr. Jayesh Chauhan in the presence of Mount Abu chairman Suresh ji Thinger and other respected citizens of Mount Abu inaugurated a dental clinic in Sani Gaon, Mount Abu. While talking to Dr. Jayesh he shared about the objective behind introducing his clinic in Mount Abu, cheap modafinil all dossage online He said: Dentist […]
H. Guite SDM mount abu is now transferred to Ajmer CEO
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H. Guite who were acting as SDM of mount abu is transferred to Chief Executive officer Ajmer, they also made their presence with people of abu for last time by participating summer festival 2015 cultural eve. H. Guite spent some memorable time in abu was dedicated towards to development of Mount abu, always greeted every […]