‘COW’ on canvas by Dr. Arun Sharma

| December 11, 2015 |   ,

This beautiful painting is made by Dr. Arun Sharma from Mount Abu, and it is indeed a beautiful way of encouraging people to come ahead for sake of mother cow.

People in India worship cow as their mother and it is the only animal that is worshiped like God on many Indian festivals. Cow has its own significant importance being a pet animal and some very important products of daily life provided by cow makes it a beloved animal.

Valuable products received from Cow:
1. Milk: good source of protein and other nutrition
2. Cow dung: use to make fire.
3. Gau mutra: used as medicine to cure major diseases
4. Bullock cart: Ancient time mode of transportation and still used by farmers.
5. Farm Irrigation: Bulls are true friend of farmers as they can irrigate entire farm for productive farming.
6. Calf: Children of cow are known as calf, very cute and kids love to play with them.
You may be thinking why are we writing an essay on cow, you are not a nursery class students than why this essay. The motive behind today’s article is to encourage people to come ahead for the welfare of this most respect and very important pet animal. Today beef is one of the major issues especially in India people are protesting to stop beef in India and all around World.

If you are a animal lover and believe Cow is not less than a mother than come ahead for it raise your voice, write posts to encourage people for the sake of mother cow, #tag it as #savemothercow write blogs, inspire people to support the mission.



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