Its just the 4th day of Navratri and Agrasen Gaba Mandwal was found all pack thousands of abu-ites and tourists, with time mount abu get freezes but as its Agrasen Garba Mandal are all on with their Dandiya Raas fest the atmosphere was literally found getting warm with increasing darkness.
आप भी अपने फोटो हमारे साथ शेयर कर सकते है, इस वर्ष का ऑफिसियल # टैग रहेगा >> #ATGarba15, या फिर आप फोटो हमे वॉट्सएप (9462874806) और मेल भी कर सकते है चुनिन्दा फोटो पर उपलोड करी जाएगी |