Things are going quite different in Mount Abu, as if things are being planned by God themselves for the abode of Gods, Mount Abu. After a record breaking rainfall in Mount Abu, conditions started getting weird in Mount Abu, damages roads, land slides, falling trees and electricity poles made it difficult for abu-ites to live.
Administration was required to quickly react to the demolishing conditions and get the things under control as Mount Abu is the only hill station in Rajasthan, people come from all over the World to visit it specially gujaratis are the quick visitors to this hill station.

Rain was almost stopped after 31st july and it was expected administration will put remarkable efforts is relief measures in Abu specially repairing the roads to Mount Abu, but it was not as expected; If CRPF and Army would have not come ahead things would have gone worst but this temporary road repairing works is not at all satisfactory, there are many spots on the road where their is big chance of land slides, sand bags is not a permanent solution.
With the mercy of God from last two weeks it didn’t rain and abu-ites could pull their shutter up and earn something, after so many offs tourists drove up again last Saturday and the tourism market heated up but it started raining again today since today morning its raining heavy in Mount Abu.
There are many questions now rising up in the Aravalli ranges:-
1) When and how will the roads repair ?
2) Why administration is reacting lazy ?
3) Whole season is waiting ahead, it could result to heavy losses.
4) Abu-ites and tourists are not feeling safe coming up.
This is the crucial time, local administration, state govt., central govt. will have to react on it, its time for action but it seems management is not even thinking about relief measures.
We understand its easy to talk but hard to initiate, every job calls for a big procedure but in elections you people only promised that you will do your best what so ever conditions may be, you only rooted the seeds of hope in our hearts and make us to trust you and today if we except you to stand at your promises than why are you steeping back, Mount Abu is abode of Gods this place is historical and special, this place needs to be treated specially but it has been always treated like a beautiful girl with whom every body want to make connection but no body is ready to marry.
Sometimes it becomes very painful to see the miserable conditions of Abu, administration please wake up or things will sleep down forever.